Non-Profits / Endowments / Foundations

Non-Profits / Endowments / Foundations

The proper management of a small to midsized non-profit institution can be quite challenging. Your staff and board members may be experts in your core mission but may not be familiar with the intricacies of investing a substantial reserve or endowment.

We can assume the prudent management of your investment portfolio while simultaneously helping you fulfill your fiduciary duty. Below are just a few of the essential investment goals we can perform to put you on the path toward achieving your non-profit mission:

  • Create or revise an investment policy statement (IPS)
  • Develop asset allocation targets
  • Determine an appropriate spending policy
  • Implement an environmental, social and governance (ESG) mandate

If only it were this easy! We know you work hard for your funding and we will work just as hard to manage it properly to help you fulfill your mission.

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